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Environmental Health And Safety


Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) refers to the control of hazardous energy. These hazardous energy sources can include electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or other sources of energy in equipment that could potentially be hazardous to workers. The unexpected energization of equipment can result in serious or fatal accidents during servicing or maintenance activities. 


Unnecessary injuries can be prevented by controlling these energy sources and ensuring personnel are trained to understand the purpose and scope of the lockout/tagout program. Departments should also assess the need for a lockout/tagout programs and utilize our Lockout/Tagout Manual for references regarding appropriate procedures, university policy, and requirements that must be met when performing lockout/tagout activities.  



OSHA LOTO Fact Sheet

LOTO Fact Sheet

LOTO Manual


Useful Links

OSHA Control of Hazardous Energy