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Portable Fire Extinguishers

Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for the installation, location, maintenance, surveying and replacement of over 4,000 portable fire extinguishers on campus and outlying university-owned property. 


Portable fire extinguishers should only be used for emergency purposes. If you notice a portable fire extinguisher that is missing or is not in its proper place, please report it to us at (405) 744-7241.


Only attempt to use a fire extinguisher if:

  • You have been trained 
  • The fire alarm has been activated and 911 called 
  • The fire is small with very little smoke
  • You have a clear exit out of the building 
  • You have the proper extinguisher for the materials involved in the fire (link to website? PDF on old page feels unnecessary)


Use the PASS Method to discharge the fire extinguisher:

  • Pull the pin
  • Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire 
  • Squeeze the handle
  • Sweep side to side


Extinguisher Locations

Fire extinguishers can be found in the following locations on campus:

  • Fire extinguisher cabinets - smaller, less conspicuous cabinets usually located in exit corridors. They can be surfaced mounted or recessed into the walls. This is the most common extinguisher location on campus.
  • Fire hose cabinets - large, red metal cabinets commonly located in the walls of exit corridors. This is a common location for portable fire extinguishers on campus.
  • Wall-mounted brackets hold extinguishers that are not stored in cabinets. This method keeps extinguishers in plain view on the walls and is most common in workshops and large office suites.


Extinguisher Survey Tags

Fire and Life Safety personnel normally attach paper tags to extinguishers to indicate the month and year of the last maintenance survey. However, the university has purchased a bar-coding and electronic tracking system, so maintenance tags will no longer be utilized to track when a survey or maintenance has been performed.

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