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Environmental Health And Safety

Ladder Safety Month

Join us for an in-person Ladder Safety Demonstration on March 31!
  • Where? Facilities Management Warehouse Zone 3
  • When? March 31, 8:15 - 9:30 a.m.
  • What? Hands-on, portable ladder safety demonstration
  • Who? RSVP to
In the meantime, follow us on social media and check out the resources on our Ladder Safety page, linked below. 

Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week

March 24 - 28
Visit the page below for links to virtual training sessions and for details on in-person events at OSU. We hope to see you there!

Workplace Eye Wellness Month

Put your eye health first this month by evaluating your work space for eye safety and getting your vision checked! Visit the resource below and check out these eye health tips for computer use: 
  • Keep your screens 20 to 26 inches away from your face and a little bit below eye level.
  • If you reference documents often, use a document holder placed next to your screen. 
  • Adjust lighting to lower glare and limit harsh reflections. 
  • Choose screens that can tilt and swivel.

Brain Injury Awareness Month

Observed each March, Brain Injury Awareness Month, educates the public about the impact of brain injuries while reducing stigma and highlighting resources for millions affected. Brain injuries can happen to anyone through accidents, sports, combat, or other causes, often changing lives instantly.

Service. Quality. Knowledge.

The OSU Environmental Health and Safety Department consists of four teams - Environmental Compliance, Fire and Life Safety, Laboratory Safety, and Occupational and Construction Safety. Our primary goal is to promote health, safety, and environmental protection by providing exemplary programs and services in support of the university's mission.

Student Employee Feature

Sela Weston
Sela is a student employee for EHS, majoring in Strategic Communication. She is a member of the OSU Baptist Collegiate Ministries, and if she could have any superpower, she would choose teleportation to avoid being late and dealing with traffic. She likes to spend her free time baking, and enjoys hosting fun events and parties for friends. Thanks for being a part of our team, Sela! 

Quarterly NewslettersNewsletter Archive

Monthly Training

Person wearing a respirator while working

Respiratory Protection

Required annually for members who wear respiratory protection.

Biohazard symbol on orange background

Bloodborne Pathogen

Required annually for members under OSHA's standard.

Employees posing with Pistol Pete

Employee Training

Topics include haz comm, fire safety, office safety, back safety, and slips, trips, and falls.

Fire Marshal giving fire safety training

Fire Safety Training

Includes hands-on fire extinguisher training using the Bullex simulator.

Photo of girls in laboratory

Laboratory Safety and Hazardous Waste Training

Training for principal investigators and graduate assistants.


Additional Training Opportunities

Keeping our campus safe and healthy is one of our top priorities.
Our education and training programs are valuable tools for spreading an awareness of safety, health responsibilities, and accident prevention.

OSHA 300A Logs

Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers with more than 10 employees to keep a record of serious work-related injuries and illnesses. The records must be maintained at the worksite for at least five years. 

New EPA Regulations on Methylene Chloride

DCM structure

Fact Sheets and Safety Info

Timeline of Changes

  • Initial monitoring by 05/05/2025 with periodic monitoring depending on results 
  • Ensure new exposure limits are met by 08/2025 and provide PPE for affected employees
  • Development of an exposure control plan or Workplace Chemical Protection Program by 10/30/2025

Ensuring Compliance

Popular Resources

Accidents and Injuries

Accident and near-miss reporting and contacts for emergency safety concerns.

Chemical Disposal

Tips for storing and requesting the removal of chemical and material wastes.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Tell us how we did and help us improve our services.

Important Contact Information

OSU Police Department address and a list of important phone numbers on and off campus.

Online Chemical Inventory

The entry point for the OSU online chemical inventory program.

Open Flame Safety

Open Burn Permits, Grill Permits, and hot work information.

Safety Documents

Fact Sheets

Access useful fact sheets and brief safety information. Topics include:

  • Accident Investigation
  • Ergonomics
  • Laboratory Safety
  • Slips, Trips, and Falls


Access safety information and guidance documents. Topics include:

  • Addressable Fire Alarm Systems
  • Chemical Hygiene Plan
  • Machine Guarding Checklist
  • Respiratory Protection Program Manual

Reporting Safety ConcernsCall EHS with any concerns regarding the safety of campus personnel or facilities.

Such concerns could include unsafe work environments or classrooms, unsafe work practices, perceived poor indoor air quality, and more.